Laurent Chalard


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Areas of Expertise

    • Political Demography
    • International migrations
    • Metropolitanization


Laurent Chalard, fellow at the ECIA, holds a PhD in geography from Sorbonne University in Paris. He has worked for the DATAR, the French regional planning’s national agency on several projects. He is expert in urban geography, people geography and political geography and his main field of study concerns France. He is geographic-consultant and contributor of the review “Population and Avenir”. His work has been cited in the main French newspapers, whose Le Monde and Les Echos. He has published several articles about the demography of different European countries (Albania, France, Germany, Netherlands) and he is author or co-author of more 60 publications.

Laurent Chalard’s blog

ECIA Publications
Emerging Countries: Don’t Forget the “BNP”!
ECIA Briefing Paper – 17 Jun 2012
Outreach Activities
Géographie urbaine de l’exclusion dans les grandes métropoles régionales françaises
in Gérard-François Dumont, in collaboration with Julien Nespola, “Géographie urbaine de l’exclusion dans les grandes métropoles régionales françaises”, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011 – 15 Jul 2011
Media Coverage
Pour un Grand Paris du multiculturalisme
Liberation – 18 May 2016
Revolution: the “Peak Births” Theory
American Diplomacy – 25 May 2015
Une courte victoire démographique
Libération – 13 May 2012
L’Invité de la Matinale – 9 May 2012


Research Area

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